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Use of Quick Bond for Masonry Walls and Concrete Blocks

    Modern technology is only useful if you use it in your work. The best things happening are still out of reach of most building works since the builders rely on the age-old techniques for finishing their walls and buildings.

    Use of quick bond

    One of the many building materials that has come on the scene is the quick bond. This is a preparation that comes ready to be applied to the walls. You must mix this with the water in the right proportion and apply it in one thin layer before you apply the finishing coat. This is purposely marked in green so that you do not mistake it for the regular plaster.

    This brings us to the quick bond manufacturers in India the people who are giving you the technology to make your buildings better. It cuts down the working time so there is saving in effort and costs. The bonding provided by the quick bond is many times stronger than the regular one. You do not have to scratch the surface with a nail or anything, just apply the cement plaster on top of the quick bond layer and you are home.

    Use of double bond

    Due to the chemicals used in quick bond, there is chemical bonding between the quick bond and the plaster. In addition to this you have the mechanical bonding as is present in the normal plastering work. This ensures a double bonding for the wall plaster which makes it all the stronger.

    One of the places where construction work is the highest is Rajasthan. You have many new constructions works coming up due to the rapid expansion work in the pipeline. They depend on the quick bond manufacturers in Rajasthan to deliver their quick bond of construction work. Getting the building material supplied from the best agent is needed to keep the quality of the work at an elevated level.

    Things you should watch for when applying the quick bond are that it should be mixed thoroughly with water to the desired level before applying. The coat you apply must be uniform; you must not overapply the coat. This will lead to a good coverage.