Buildings now have a new look because they are subject to advanced technology. The methods of construction, along with the use of superior materials has heightened the finer aspects of construction technology. There is an awareness among the builders that takes the construction methods to a new and elevated plane.
Use of standard material
Many kinds of…
All buildings need to have essential ingredients so that they may exist. The wall putty does not seem important but is indispensable when it comes to construction. One must understand the importance of this innocuous building material if one needs to know the role it plays in the construction.
Unfinished walls are ugly
When the…

The Plaster of Paris (POP) is an ideal building material in modern building construction. But, in fact it has been around for centuries as many ancient buildings use POP in its buildings extensively.
Check for the properties of POP
You calcine high quality gypsum to get POP. It finds extensive use in architectural molding and…