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Utility Of Different Cement Primers

Most modern buildings have a superior finish thanks to progress in technology. Building materials have improved and have become time and cost effective.

Paints are used to improve aesthetics of buildings. One important step prior to painting is application of primer.

Mode Of Application

A primer is applied basically to prepare walls before painting. The material used most commonly is cement wall primer.

Before application of primer to wall surface, one must do adequate preparation. Priming will enhance adhesion and improve durability of paint. The primer and paint will protect the walls from pollution and elements of nature.

To prepare the surface, the surface must be scraped using an iron brush to remove dirt and loose debris. This action aids in removing any uneven pieces of rock and growth, which protrude from the surface. After this, the surface is brushed and rubbed with sand paper. This gets rid of finer dust and dirt and makes for a smooth surface.


Water based cement primer is popular for applying on concrete surfaces. It prevents peeling and flaking of paint and keeps walls fresh and new.

Prior to starting any project, one must consider the different types of primer in the market. One must also consider time and amount of preparing walls and for applying primer. After this you can source primer from cement primer manufacturer.

There are many types of cement primers. Oil based primer is not a good idea for cement surfaces because of absorbing quality of cement.  A better choice is acrylic based primer. Another choice is polyurethane primer. It prevents staining and enhances bonding by paint.

In case of outdoor construction, you must go in for silane penetrating sealers. This is a water-proof sealer and protects concrete walls from chemicals and extreme variations in temperature.

The first stride in application of primer is stripping the old paint from wall surface. Next use an iron brush for cleaning the surface. For this purpose, one can use a power washer or paint stripper.


When you make use of the right primer for the concrete walls, you get better protection and finish for the walls. This improves the quality of the building to an amazing degree.

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