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How is Wall Putty Useful in The Construction Process?

The process of construction is not very easy; it involves so many tasks that need to be performed in the right way to provide great results. Though construction of the structure will take less time, adding finishing to the overall look of the building will consume more time. Different contractors are using different products just to add the great impact of finishing to it. One of the commonly used products is wall putty. It is a cement-like material with high plasticity; some people believe that it is similar to POP or clay. But actually, it is not similar to any one of them. 

There are many manufacturers available in the market that is dealing with wall putty. One of the leading dealers is Trimurti. They add different chemical materials like polymers, acrylic compounds, polymer minerals, and other filters that will help achieve a firm coat over the wall that will make the surface moisture resistant, smooth, and lustre. The main function of the wall putty is to fill in all the posers and cracks on the plastered wall so that it can provide a smooth canvas for work.

There are different types of wall putty which are stated below:

  • White cement wall putty: This is the wall putty that is made from white cement and further blended with many polymers, filler materials, and minerals. This comes in powder form; whenever the person needs to use it, they need to mix water in the powder to form a smooth paste. 
  • Acrylic wall putty: The main ingredient in this type of wall putty is a styrene-acrylic binder. This will help in emulsions and fillers that are manufactured in the form of paste. 

Mostly the cement will surely leave some of the fine pores on the walls. When the building needs to be painted, it will not provide a great finish in terms of shine and smoothness. Just to add more value to the finish of the wall, the application of wall putty is highly recommended. It will fill in all the pores and provides a smooth painting canvas to work on. 

Here is the list of advantages provided by wall putty. Let’s have a look at them.

  • The application of wall putty will provide a great base for doing any type of painting work
  • This wall putty will help in covering up all the undulations of the plaster wall surface.
  • All the tiny pores, cracks, and dents on the walls are covered using the wall putty.
  • The use of the wall putty will add more shine and smoothness to the wall and give a rich look to the painted surface.
  • It improves the overall life cycle of the paint.
  • Wall putty makes the wall moisture resistant that will reduce the chances of flakes. 

Once the wall putty is used on the wall, the contractor will immediately see the great difference in finishing. All these benefits have made it very important to use wall putty to provide the best finish to the walls. 

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