A layer of primer is suggested for practically all work of art ventures, regardless of whether it's new drywall, old wood, uncovered metal, recently painted block, or some other surface. Primer is basically sticky, level paint that is intended to cling great and to give a steady base to topcoats of paint. On the off…
Product Description
Cement Primer is formulated by copolymer emulsion and the combination of extenders and pigments, to ensure sealing of porous surfaces and deep penetration. It is of white color to give opacity to the primer. It is applicable on interior and exterior of the house, for priming of masonry works and plastered surfaces. It…
You have got ready raw materials for your DIY painting project like lots of tarp, roller brushes, painter’s tape and a gallon of carefully selected paint. You are waiting with bated breath about how the vibrant paint will look over the dull concrete floor or wall.
But maybe you are forgetting something: In case you…
If you planning on redecorating your house, you will definitely want to bring a different shade of colour to the walls. It will not only make the walls more attractive, it will also help in altering your mood. Nowadays, there are no bounds to creativity. You will find all sorts of options in designs available for painting your walls to give them a majestic appearance.
But, painting your walls can require some important aspects that have to be taken care of. Using cement wall primer can be quite useful for making your paint long lasting.