The high-quality mortar that is used for compiling and bonding of the AAC blocks, concrete blocks, etc is known as Block fix guard block mortar. Trimurti, are the best in offering the authentic block jointing mortar. Most people use this material for strengthening the internal and external walls of AAC blocks or Fly Ash bricks. Here are the advantages of Block Jointing Mortar-
- Stronger and smoother- The jointing mortar is best suitable for the houses where AAC blocks are being used. It premixed the high-quality mortar that helps to make a stronger bond between the two AAC blocks.
- Economical- Due to the non-toxicity of the material and no emitting gases, the block jointing mortar is highly economical.
- Better bond than conventional mortar- Considering the thickness, durability, and the bond strength, then, block jointing mortar is better than a cement block jointing mortar. It delivers high-quality building material when used in block, brick, and stone.
- Water retention properties- Block jointing mortar also helps to retain the water from entering the pores of concrete blocks. Hence, there is no chance of shrinkage or breakage.
- Less wastage- In comparison with conventional cement-based mortar, there is no wastage of the AAC blocks.
- Storage- The mixture of the mortar does not need much space and hence, solves the problem of storage.
- Thermal insulation- Jointing mortar meant for securing the internal and external walls of AAC blocks, concrete blocks, and thus, can absorb the heat around it. Therefore, the thermal insulation is high.
- Speeds up construction time- The process could be time-consuming for the mixture to get dissolved completely before application, whereas, the block jointing mortar comes with a pre-mixed and is ready for use spontaneously. Thus, it leads to time-saving and money-saving.
- Reduces construction cost- AAC jointing mortar comes with a thickness of 3-4 millimeters where the traditional mortar needs to have 8-12 millimeter thickness to join the blocks. Thus, it simultaneously reduces the construction cost of block jointing mortar.
- Block jointing mortar for AAC blocks-The high-quality mortar is specially designed for AAC blocks to make their bond stronger, water-resistant, fire-resistant, and thermal insulation. Thus, helps various builders in utilizing the AAC blocks and to create high-quality structures.
- Consistency in adhesive quality- Consistency is hard to achieve when it comes to conventional mortar because the material needed for the mix comes from different manufacturers that become difficult to decide on density and quality construction. Therefore, the pre-mixed substance helps workers to achieve consistency.
- Good workability- Block jointing mortar is made up of thin graded sand that reduces the thickness of walls, and best suited for joining the concrete window and door frames. Thus, it works great for adhesion of door frames and other materials.
To conclude-
These were the advantages of Block Jointing Mortar that helps to make the buildings stronger, water-resistant, and much more. The homeowners who are making use of AAC blocks, concrete blocks must use a jointing mortar for the superior consistency in quality.