To provide strength to the wall units, AAC block adhesive is used these days. Not only for the residential structures but even for commercial purposes, the AAC block adhesive is preferred over any other adhesive material. One of the most important reasons for its usage is that the AAC blocks are very light in weight.…
When it comes to construction, India has been developing at a fast pace. Many places have now been fully developed, and small towns are turning into cities. The process of construction has been fast, but it also has to be of top-notch quality. There should be no compromise with the quality, even if the pace…

We all know that something that joins pieces together is called an adhesive. However, before going into the adhesive, we will try to discover its exact uses. One unconventional use of adhesive is in the construction. You heard it right. The block adhesive has extensive use in the construction domain. The foundation of any building…