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How Waterproof Wall Putty Can be Game Changer for Your Home

Walls are vital because they are a vital part of the foundation that holds our homes together. However, we frequently neglect to maintain such an important part. Most of us are ignorant of how crucial wall maintenance and wall putty are, especially during the rainy season, even though we may be aware of these things.

Wall putty is a vital material throughout the building process. This substance, which resembles white clay, is mostly used as a primer on the walls and other surfaces of buildings prior to the final coat of paint being placed. A wide range of waterproof putties for interior walls and external surfaces are available on the market. These include waterproof silicone putty, cement wall putty, waterproof putty for pipes, removable waterproof wall putty, and more. Applying wall putty helps paint adhere to walls and keeps paint looking new while preventing it from flaking off!

What Exactly is Waterproof Wall Putty?

Wall putty is a smoothing agent for walls that is a powder made of polymer and other minerals, similar to white cement. Its main uses include leveling the surface in advance of painting and filling up gaps and fissures in walls. Using the best waterproof putty for exterior walls will increase the protection of your walls from stains, mold, and cracks. To get the surface ready for a fresh coat of paint, the surface may need to be sanded and waterproof sealing putty applied one or two times.

Exterior Walls and Damage

Because our house’s exterior walls are frequently exposed to rain, humidity, and other natural variables, they are more susceptible to damage during the monsoon. Our home’s exterior surface is penetrated by the surrounding moisture, which results in dampness inside the walls. This makes mold growth, paint flaking off walls, leaks, fungus, and other problems worse. 

Splashing rain and clogged drainage lines are other elements that cause wall moisture and consequent damage. It follows that protecting the external walls is crucial. “What can actually prevent damage to our external walls?” is the issue that now needs to be asked. The answer is simple: Apply the best waterproof putty to the walls. 

Waterproofing is the process of treating a surface to stop water ingress. The waterproofing process is aided with a putty powder known as Waterproof Putty. It can be used to paint the walls inside and outside our house. There are several benefits to using the best waterproof wall putty on walls, some of which are listed below:


The exterior walls of our house could be harmed by water seeping in through any surface cracks. To prevent this, the best waterproof putty for exterior walls is utilized. Re-dispersible polymer and white cement are two of the components of waterproof putty that are most frequently seen. Because of this, the polymer in waterproof wall putty not only fills in surface fractures but also makes the putty water-resistant when it is applied. 

Resistance to Efflorescence

Efflorescence is the most common white, crystal-like substance found on walls. Salts that are already inside the walls usually show up on the walls as white patches when they come into contact with water. However, we may protect our walls from efflorescence by preventing salt from getting into contact with water and developing on them by applying waterproof wall putty.

Increased Paint Durability

Interior walls that have been harmed by dampness usually remove paint. Repainting the walls is merely a stopgap measure because the stored moisture is still there within. However, our home’s surfaces are protected from water incursion after the outside waterproof putty is placed, increasing the life of the topcoat paint that has been applied. 

Thus, the best waterproof wall putty benefits us in the long term by providing our homes with the necessary protection. 

Application Process of Waterproof Wall Putty

Since waterproof putty seems to be our best option, many of us may be wondering if it will be difficult or time-consuming to apply to external walls. That is not accurate, though, because applying the best waterproof putty to walls requires soaking the appropriate wall surface with water first. The putty is then mixed well with 36% to 38% of the water to create a paste with a creamy white consistency. 

The pre-wetted wall is now primed by applying the first coat using a putty knife. After four hours from the application time, any loose particles are carefully rubbed off to ensure the wall surface has dried. The wall is then coated a second and final time, enabling it to cure before the topcoat paint is applied.


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Why Choose Trimurti for Waterproof Wall Putty

Want to safeguard your home­ and increase its lifespan? Try Trimurti, supplier of the best wate­rproof wall putty in India. Our product uses a special formula with German silicon polyme­rs. It guards exterior walls very we­ll. Trimurti putty has excellent white­ness and workability. It creates a smooth, glossy finish. The­ top coat’s true color stands out. Unlike some othe­r putties, this one doesn’t re­quire curing. That saves time and e­ffort when applying. The putty resists wate­r twice as much as regular putties. This make­s it extra durable for exte­rior walls. Choose Trimurti for best waterproof putty re­sults. Protect your home from moisture with confide­nce.

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