We all want a proper finish to the structures and walls of our house with a clean look. And to achieve that, giving them a fine plaster is essential. Although sand cement powders are the most commonly used materials for plastering, gypsum powder is becoming more popular lately. Many gypsum powder suppliers have gained immense market cap in recent times. Gypsum has proved to be a beneficial aid to many advanced interior constructions, and it has grown considerably in trend and usage. Using gypsum powder can have several benefits and advantages. Let us look at its benefits in detail.
Benefits of Using Gypsum Powder
- Easy Application: With sand cement plastering, constructors require to sieve the powder and then keep constantly mixing and stirring it to avoid the plaster from settling. But gypsum powders come packed and ready to use. They do not require removing any large gravel or sieving. Constructors can directly mix it with water and achieve the required consistency without much effort. They can be easily applied and also effortlessly clean. Gypsum powders can provide different consistency to accomplish distinct structures.
- Saves Time: Gypsum powders do not require a long waiting time. Sand cement plaster takes around 20-21 days to harden, dry up, and settle. During such a process, one has to keep applying or spraying water before the next work can be done above it. But when gypsum powder is used, it dries up quickly, and constructors can start the upcoming work within 3-4 days. It settles down and hardens without much effort. With gypsum plaster, one can save 21 days and use that time in other ways. It is especially beneficial when multi-storied houses are concerned.
- No More Shrinkage Cracks: When sand cement plaster or any other plaster is applied, shrinkage cracks become more common and frequent. It occurs very commonly when the plaster dries up, and then the wall requires other methods to be processed before applying any paint. But gypsum powder is advantageous as it produces lesser heat as a reaction when mixed with water and provides a smooth and fine finish eliminating any shrinkage cracks. It also becomes ready for paint to be easily and successfully applied. So we see, it is beneficial as it saves time and also gives good wall coverage.
- Lower thermal conductivity: Gypsum powders provide lower thermal conductivity. They are good heat insulators. It offers cooling and heating of room without investing much on electricity bills. Unlike other plastering materials, gypsum is much better as it maintains room temperature with lesser electricity usage. It helps in saving electricity and ultimately reduces its cost. For instance, one no longer has to use an air conditioner for six months a year.
So we see, gypsum power can be advantageous and beneficial in many ways. While other conventional methods are frequently preferred, gypsum provides better service and acts as a better alternative. Its soft, dry, and lightweight characteristics can prove to be an effective and useful aid for interior constructions.