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Which Ingredients Are Used In An Aac Block Jointing Mortar?

AAC blocks, aka autoclaves aerated concrete is an extremely light weight construction material that is widely used these days. Mostly because, it is light-weight! Now, in a society of high population, buildings are multi-storeyed leading to an enormous amount of weight on the surface of earth. If it has not been because of these light weight blocks, our earth would have been subjected to a massive pressure. Usage of the block. Acc block jointing mortar significantly decreases the dead load of buildings. Thereby, construction of high rise buildings is no more a torture on mother earth. In addition to that, it also reduces the total mass of the building. So, the earthquakes are not that impactful on those structures.

Now, what is the magic ingredient of these AAC block jointing mortar? There are many non-conventional materials on the list. Unlike other bricks or concrete applications in market, AAC is produced with no aggregate bigger than sand. As for the binding agent, the use of Quartz sand, lime (mineral), calcium gypsum, cement and water can be seen. In addition, aluminium powder is added at a rate of 0.05% – 0.08% per unit volume. This ratio depends on the pre-specified density, if there is any.

In some countries, like in India or China, the ingredients slightly differ. The block jointing mortar uses fly ash that is generated from thermal power plants and which has moderate silica content (50-60%) as the aggregate.

During making of AAC construction materials, when the form is removed from the material, it becomes solid but still remains soft. Then, it is cut into various shapes, either panels or blocks. This process is called molding.

After mixing and thereafter molding, the material is autoclaved with temperature and pressure to impart to it the unique tempered properties. AAC blocks are thermos insulator. It also has acoustic absorbing properties. It comes with pest and fire resistance.

At the time when this type of blocks are blended and used in building structures, a number of compounds responses take place that impart to AAC its super small weight and warm character. Because of its light weight, AAC blocks are leading the market of construction during recent decades. It is economically convenient as well. And, as a matter of fact, it is also Eco-friendly. So, the huge increase in the usage of AAC blocks in manufacturing buildings is justified.

An AAC blocks has its unique properties as lightness, porous, insulation properties. These characters make it a completely unique product compared to any other lightweight construction materials.

In today’s world, technology has taken a huge leap to make this world a better place for us. Usage of AAC block jointing mortar is a noteworthy part of it. Its use in residential buildings or in commercial or industrial buildings has made life easier. Now, a skyscraper is not a threat to our mother earth. Even, a fatal earthquake is not so fatal for these buildings just because we have the gift of AACs.

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